Starting Your Business: Getting Clear On The Problem You Solve.
Before you dive into posting or creating a social media strategy plan, there's one crucial step you can't afford to skip!
You NEED to identify and get razor clear about the problem that you are solving in your business.
This step will not only help you stay focused and consistent, but it will also prevent any confusion among your potential clients.
Success starts with a clear understanding of the problem you're solving by you and your potential clients.
Now let's talk about the importance of not being too general.
You might think your narrowing yourself but actually you're going to more quickly build authority and expertise if you razor focus which then you can use to solve "other problems".
Not sure if you've identified the problem well enough? Don't worry, I've got you!
Join me on the Porch for a free porch talk session, where I'll provide you with valuable feedback and guidance. BOOKING LINK HERE
Let's make sure you're on the right track!
** Coming soon, I'll be launching a start-up worksheet bundle that will supercharge your business strategy. The first and most important sheet in this bundle will teach you how to effectively identify the problem you solve.