Hire A Virtual Assistant For Your Business

And Get Your Time (& Some Sanity) Back!

Is Your Head Spinning In A Million Directions? Is Your TO-Do List Miles Long? Are The “Shoulds” Adding Up? Is There Just NOT Enough Time In The Day To Get Everything DONE To Grow & Manage Your Business?

I Got You Covered!

NEED HELP with …

  • creating/ launching your online course

  • podcast editing

  • facebook group setup & management

  • social media content planning/ creating/ scheduling

  • getting your email newsletter out

  • blog or website setup/updating

  • data entry

  • scheduling

  • finance tracking

  • market research

  • partnership connections

  • campaign hosting


“The Most Valuable Lessons Aren’t Taught. They’re Experienced.”

— Unknown

My Experiences Benefit You & Your Business …

By offering Virtual Assistant Services I am putting to good use my YEARS of online experience, from creating websites to management tools, to email marketing systems and social media platforms.

Running a business has A LOT of moving parts and I have learned (sometimes the hard way) that entitles a wide variety of skills other then what you originally set out to do.

Those skills consist of not just the product / service you offer but sales, marketing, research, hiring, leadership, finances, customer services, product development, graphic design …. etc etc

Don’t Have Time to Learn All The Skills Necessary To Setup, Grow & Run Your Business?!

Schedule A Consultation - We Will Meet On the Porch & See How My VA Services Can Help You.

How It Works …

1.Schedule A Consultation:

Complimentary. We will discuss the task(s) you need help with.

2. Get A Hourly Breakdown Plan:

Within 2 Business Days you will receive an estimated hourly completion schedule based on tasks requested.

3. Sign Up For Monthly Service Plan

Based on hours required for tasks completion, you will be presented with a monthly service proposal, that is charged as an ongoing subscription.

*Cancel Anytime within 1 week of next billing cycle.

*Hourly rate also offered separately.